9 Tips For A Successful Recovery After Oral Surgery

by | Jun 23, 2023 | Oral Health

Welcome to our blog post on tips for a successful recovery after oral surgery! Oral surgery can be a daunting experience, but with the right knowledge and care, you can ensure a smooth healing process. Whether you’ve had your wisdom teeth removed or undergone another type of oral procedure, these nine tips will help you navigate the road to recovery with ease. So, let’s dive in and discover how to make your post-surgery journey as comfortable as possible. Let go of any stress and get ready to embrace a healthier, happier mouth!

Let go of the stress

Let’s face it, oral surgery can be a stressful experience. The thought of having someone poking around in your mouth with sharp instruments is enough to make anyone feel anxious. But here’s the thing – stress can actually hinder the healing process. So, it’s important to find ways to let go of that stress and promote a successful recovery.

One way to do this is by practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation. Taking a few moments each day to focus on your breath and clear your mind can work wonders for reducing stress levels.

Remember, recovering from oral surgery takes time and patience. By letting go of stress through various techniques and prioritizing self-care, you’ll create an environment conducive to successful healing – both inside and out

Soothe your gums with honey and lemon

After oral surgery, it’s common to experience discomfort and inflammation in your gums. One natural remedy that can help soothe your gums is a mixture of honey and lemon. 

Honey has long been known for its healing properties, thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. It can help reduce swelling and promote faster healing. Lemon, on the other hand, contains vitamin C which can boost collagen production and aid in tissue repair.

Eat lots of water

When it comes to recovering from oral surgery, staying hydrated is essential. And while drinking water is important, there’s another way to boost your hydration levels – by eating foods with high water content!

Fruits and vegetables such as cucumbers, watermelon, strawberries, and lettuce are excellent choices for promoting hydration. These juicy options not only provide much-needed moisture but also offer essential vitamins and minerals that aid in the healing process.

Hydrate with ginger tea

After oral surgery, staying hydrated is crucial for a successful recovery. One way to do this is by sipping on ginger tea throughout the day. Not only does it provide hydration, but it also offers several other benefits that can aid in your healing process.

Ginger has long been known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce swelling and pain in your mouth after surgery. It also boasts antioxidants that promote overall health and boost your immune system. These qualities make ginger tea an excellent choice for post-operative hydration.

Cure your headache with ginger ale

A pounding headache can be an unfortunate side effect of oral surgery. But fear not, because ginger ale might just be the cure you’ve been searching for! Ginger has long been known for its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to relieve pain, making it a natural remedy for headaches.

When choosing a ginger ale to alleviate your headache, opt for one made with real ginger rather than artificial flavors. The natural compounds found in ginger have been shown to help reduce inflammation and promote blood flow, which can provide relief from that throbbing sensation in your head.

Take ibuprofen if you feel pain

One of the common side effects after oral surgery is experiencing pain and discomfort. If you find yourself in this situation, it’s important to take steps to alleviate your pain so that you can focus on a successful recovery.

Taking ibuprofen can be an effective way to manage post-surgery pain. Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that helps reduce inflammation and relieve pain. It works by blocking certain chemicals in the body that cause swelling and discomfort.

Get plenty of rest

Get plenty of rest. After oral surgery, your body needs time to heal and recover. Rest is crucial for the healing process, as it allows your body to focus its energy on repairing the affected areas. So, take this opportunity to catch up on some much-needed sleep.

During your recovery period, make sure to prioritize rest by creating a comfortable environment in which to relax. Find a cozy spot in your home where you can unwind and get some shut-eye. Keep the noise level low and create a peaceful atmosphere that promotes relaxation.

Remember to listen to your body’s cues when it comes to rest. If you feel tired or fatigued, don’t push yourself too hard. Allow yourself ample time throughout the day for naps or periods of quiet downtime.

Exercising is important after surgery, but not too hard

Exercising after oral surgery may not be at the top of your to-do list, but it’s actually an important part of your recovery process. While physical activity can promote blood circulation and speed up healing, it’s crucial to strike a balance and avoid overexertion.

Start by incorporating gentle exercises into your routine. Walking is a great option as it helps increase oxygen flow without putting too much strain on your body. You can gradually increase the intensity or duration of your walks as you feel more comfortable.

Finish strong by incorporating these oral care tips into your routine

Brushing and flossing: Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial for a successful recovery after oral surgery. Be sure to brush your teeth gently using a soft-bristle toothbrush, especially around the surgical area. Floss carefully but avoid the surgical site.

Rinse with saltwater: Saltwater rinses can help reduce inflammation and promote healing in the mouth. Mix half a teaspoon of salt in warm water and swish it around your mouth for about 30 seconds, then spit it out.


Recovering from oral surgery can be a challenging and uncomfortable process, but with the right tips and strategies, you can ensure a successful recovery. Remember to let go of stress and take time for self-care during this healing period. Soothe your gums with natural remedies like honey and lemon, and make sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water or ginger tea. If you experience any pain or discomfort, consult your dentist or surgeon about taking ibuprofen.

Stay positive! Your road to full recovery starts now!
